Back at It Again!

Happy Sunday Funday!
This week Ms. J’s gym wrapped up the last of our summer classes. Only a few days of camp remain and on the 10th of September Ms. J’s 2016-2017 Recreational Class session begins!
During the summer, we ran a couple of classes for gymnasts that wanted to strengthen their skills while school was out. Summer classes help to keep students active. We are so happy to have had gymnasts join us for the months of July and August; it was a pleasure to continue to be a part of their ongoing gymnastics's journeys.
Summer and #MsJsSummerCamp are coming to an end. Every week of the summer was dedicated to a theme. Activities, games, and classes reflected that theme throughout each camp day. Starting tomorrow, it will be our final full week of camp. Do not fret! We have availability for September 6th and September 7th. School will have began but some schools will be off for those two days. Join us as we close out our 2016 Summer Camp season!
Save the date! September 10th is the official start of Ms. J’s 2016-2017 session. We have added new dances classes into the mix. Tiny Twirlers is an introductory class for 3-5 years old to creative movement. Dance Movement, 6-9 year olds, integrates various genres of dance. Register today to avoid any wait lists. Some class sessions are at capacity and we recommend signing up as soon as possible.
Thank you for making this past season a phenomenal one!
All our love,